EN: #Enjoy Respect Venezia


>> For the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, Venice City Council has launched an awareness campaign called #Enjoy Respect Venezia.



On the occasion of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism Development, the Comune di Venezia has launched an awareness campaign #Enjoy Respect Venezia.

AGATA, which includes the defence of the concept of sustainable tourism amongst its aims, supports this campaign and contributes to its promotion through its own channels of communication.

Venice is both a magical and a fragile city which must be protected and respected.

#Enjoy Respect Venezia shows those planning to visit it what conduct is forbidden and the 12 “good practices” to follow to experience the city in the best way.

At AGATA, we include a thirteenth: as soon as you book an apartment in the city, check on the Comune website whether the accommodation that you have chosen really does exist and whether it is licensed.

There is a  map containing all the licensed apartments, B&Bs and hotels.

These are marked by different coloured dots. Clicking on the dots opens a page with all the information you need so that you can set off on your holiday feeling confident that there are no nasty surprises in store.

As well as enabling you to connect directly to this important tool which has only recently been launched by management to combat unauthorised accommodation and to protect licensed operators and tourists, #Enjoy Respect Venezia provides

– useful advice on the best way to experience the city
– information on forbidden conduct
– a map of the refreshment points and public conveniences
– a tourist bulletin to give an idea of tourist flows in the different parts of Venice
– suggestions of sustainable itineraries and the best routes linking the many permanent museum collections with the different zones


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